Cathy's Crochet |
Welcome to Cathy's Crochet!
Spring is here! See the birds? They couldn't wait for the warm, fresh air! This is a very relaxed site. So, while you're here, sit back (not too far... you still need to reach the keyboard) and relax. Maybe even have some wine and cheesecake (my favorites!) and browse to your heart's content. I've had this site since January 1999, but I've been very lax about updating it.. If you have any comments on what you would like to see on this site, please fill out my opinion form. This form is for my use only and I do not give out any information that you provide. If
you're looking for
quick and easy
crochet projects, I've got a few. Adding more as I come up with them is my
monthly challenge. I've been a bit busier than I had planned so it may be
a while longer yet until I get the new patterns up. (Please, be patient.) The
patterns are copyrighted but are free for your own personal use.
For return visitors: I've been doing a bit of updating and I've come up with this new layout. I hope you enjoy this site as much as I have enjoyed making it! Also, you should be better able to navigate with this format.
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This page was last updated on 07/10/03. |
Home, Awards, Family Page*, Finished Projects, Fun and Games*, Helpful Links, Cathy's Crochet Old Guestbook, Online Greetings, Free Patterns, Web Rings |