I've started to take pictures of my projects and then scan
them. I'm a bit of a show off so I uploaded some of them here. Enjoy! To
get a clearer view just click on the pictures.

This project of Rudolph bursting through a wreath is one of my favorites to work
on. I've made two and am working on a third.

-> Here is my cat, Holly, getting into the Christmas spirit.
(Or is she just getting in my project?) :-)

This pretty witch was quite fun to make. She stands a little over 3 feet and
very pose-able.
Here is a nifty dishcloth. I found the pattern in one of my crochet books. Very
quick and easy to do.

For St. Valentine's Day, I made this pretty heart sachet. I filled it with
strawberry potpourri.

Above is a bookmark completed for the same holiday.